Saturday, 22 February 2014

Don't Be Afraid

Here we are, afraid of losing what we have all the
time, holding on to it so tight that not a soul can
touch it. We think by hiding it from the world, it’s
hidden and it’s ours. Nothing is. Nothing ever will
be. For, nothing ever was.

If you think there is anything that you have, that’s
yours, be it money, a house, a job, or a girlfriend…
it’s nothing but an illusion. It’ll all disappear… in one
blow. One blow, my man.

Here we are, so insecure that we are afraid of re-
starting our lives, so we just carry on trying to sort
out the current mess. The thought that we should
give it all up and just start all over – with nothing –
might cross our minds some time, sure, but we get
scared and we push away anything that scares us.

There is nothing I can ever achieve or gain that I
cannot lose, in a matter of seconds. You have never
gained enough to not be able to lose it all, in just a
few minutes. What you think is yours, was never
yours and will never be yours. Whatever you make
here, you leave here. You came naked and you’re
going to go back naked.

So what are you afraid of?

Let all be lost. Let them take away everything. As
long as you have your heart beating strong, as long
as you have your nostrils working fine, as long as
the blood flows in your veins, you will live, you will
breathe and you can get it all back… again and
again. For, if you can do it once, you can damn well
do it again. It’s just a game we play – Life.

Posted via Blogaway

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