Saturday, 22 February 2014

The Seeker Of Truth

After years of searching, the
seeker was told to go to a
cave, in which he would find a
well. 'Ask the well what is
truth', he was advised, 'and
the well will reveal it to you'.
Having found the well, the
seeker asked that most
fundamental question. And
from the depths came the
answer, 'Go to the village
crossroad: there you shall
find what you are seeking'.
Full of hope and anticipation
the man ran to the crossroad
to find only three rather
uninteresting shops. One shop
was selling pieces of metal,
another sold wood, and thin
wires were for sale in the
third. Nothing and no one
there seemed to have much to
do with the revelation of truth.

Disappointed, the seeker
returned to the well to demand
an explanation, but he was
told only, 'You will understand
in the future.' When the man
protested, all he got in return
were the echoes of his own
shouts. Indignant for having
been made a fool of - or so he
thought at the time - the
seeker continued his
wanderings in search of truth.
As years went by, the
memory of his experience at
the well gradually faded until
one night, while he was
walking in the moonlight, the
sound of sitar music caught
his attention. It was wonderful
music and it was played with
great mastery and inspiration.

Profoundly moved, the truth
seeker felt drawn towards the
player. He looked at the
fingers dancing over the
strings. He became aware of
the sitar itself. And then
suddenly he exploded in a cry
of joyous recognition: the sitar
was made out of wires and
pieces of metal and wood just
like those he had once seen
in the three stores and had
thought it to be without any
particular significance.

At last he understood the
message of the well: we have
already been given everything
we need: our task is to
assemble and use it in the
appropriate way. Nothing is
meaningful so long as we
perceive only separate
fragments. But as soon as the
fragments come together into
a synthesis, a new entity
emerges, whose nature we
could not have foreseen by
considering the fragments

Posted via Blogaway

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