Saturday, 8 February 2014

Here are 10 things to SURRENDER in order to achieve blissful happiness - even if it is just for one day:

** Today I SURRENDER everything **
1) I SURRENDER my need to be hard on myself.
2) I SURRENDER my need to be in control.
3) I SURRENDER my need for attachments with my
4) I SURRENDER my need for worrying about my
material needs knowing that worry doesn't increase
a dollar more in my bank account.
5) I SURRENDER my need for blaming my parents
for how I was raised -they did the best they could
given what they knew at that point in time.
6) I SURRENDER my need to hold on to
unforgiveness knowing that holding on to it is like
drinking poison while expecting the other party to
7) I SURRENDER my need to be right knowing that
everyone is also entitled to be right in their own way.
I SURRENDER my need to create secret
dependencies knowing I do not need to make others
'owe' me anything to feel safe.
9) I SURRENDER my need to criticize other people
wealthier than me because I do not know how much
hard work they have put into attaining their hard
earned. wealth.
10) I SURRENDER my need to meddle with the
universe knowing that the universe has it's timing
and it is impeccable.
SURRENDER all these and your life will transform.
Even if you do not believe it to be permanent, at
least just for today - it will create your MIRACLE for

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